Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 30

30th May, 2024; 9:50pm

Hiii. Glitters, it’s me.

I didn’t go to work today. I skipped work because I couldn’t find the strength. My mental health was completely on the low.

  What did I do today? Well, I thought about it about a lot today. About Prince, Jordan, Dasah and Mrs. Eti.

Soon I would be leaving soon for Dasah’s apartment. It should be about an hour from here with traffic and it is closer to my work place.

  I went there today to see her apartment. Dasah looked so beautiful and mature. She was definitely no longer the gentle and reserved Dasah I was knew.

  Her character was so bubbly while she chatted away the afternoon. It was then that she mentioned something. She said that I was trending on YouTube and tiktok.

  I didn’t believe her until I saw it with both my eyes. It was a clip taken from the variety show at the Haunted house when I jumped in fright and Jordan carried me.

I was in so much shock and something sort of excitement when the Producer called me. Yes, I know that this is going to sound very unrealistic but he said that born Jordan and I would need to have a photoshoot.

He began ramping about how famous Jordan and I were, that we needed to continue flaming the fire. Before I could agree, the Producer cut the call.

I got home(Mrs. Eti’s home) around 5pm and received a call from Jordan. I remembered how he stood for me infront of Prince and a smile creeped up my face.

Ever since that incident happened, I haven’t spoken to him till he called this evening.

We spoke for a long time. Jordan asked if we could meet tomorrow and I agreed almost immediately.

I wonder how it would be.


Thank you for reading. Goodnight ❤️❤️

Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 29

29-05-2024; 10:42pm

Glitters, notice that I am writing Day 29 entry on the 29th of May…

Am I still heartbroken? Yes, but it is much better than yesterday. Jordan called me a free times this morning but I didn’t pick, I just couldn’t see myself facing him again.

Honestly, I want to run away again but how long can I run away from my troubles or a difficult situation? So I just decided to take a day at a time.

That is what I dedicate this poem to…stop!

Glitters, if I compose a poem right now, my head would open up and my brain would be on its flight, after all I have done today.

I remember when Jordan and I having our shoot on Sunday after my church service. We went to a food festival and had so much fun.

We joined so many activities and anytime I got tired, Jordan would always request for a break. Also, I was so nervous infront of the camera.

Jordan said that he was too but still held my hand confidently and took us from stall to stall. I don’t know if it was the camera or it was real but Jordan said that with me by his side, he can face the whole world.

We met two couples from the show. One was a newly wedded couple while the other had been dating for almost ten years.

Jordan is so lovely but now that he knows my past, I don’t have to courage to face him. If I also heard something like that as a man, I would never think good about the woman.

I only hope that if there is truly a God, he should resolve the issue or the way Jordan sees me. Lord please help me!!

Lord! Please! Help! Me!

Also, I would be moving to Hadassah apartment this weekend. I informed Mrs. Eti, she agreed and even insinuated that I could come visit.

Anyways, I want to go to sleep. Goodnight.


Thank you so much for reading and please pardon me for grammatical errors. I feel so sleepy that I might begin to write nonsense.

Good night my love❤️

Also… before I embark to dream world, please share, re-blog, re-post, like, comment and most importantly, subscribe.

Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 27

26-05-2024; 3:01pm

Glitters, you wouldn’t guess where I am right now? That is right, at a food festival shooting a date with Jordan. We are on a break.

  Your question is, how I happened to agree… Well, you can say that money is the root of all evil.

On Friday, after work, I met with Jordan. It was Friday, right? Yes, it was Friday.

So I got to the fast food restaurant and found Jordan waiting for me, such an handsome gentleman… I mean, polite gentleman.

He opens the door for me always, carries things for me…. Unlike someone who turned me into his slave…

So we began talking and Jordan asked me why I agreed and signed the contract on our behalf. I was taken aback and ta-da!! discovered it was nothing but a scheme.

Jordan told me that he informed the producer to come to the restaurant with the contract that I apparently signed.

The next thing we knew was a waiter wheeling nine hundred ninety-nine roses (they were so much—the Producer later told me that they were fake) to our table.

The waiter said and I quote, “Madam, congratulations on your fifth year anniversary.”

I looked at Jordan, who looked at me. As Jordan was probably about to speak up that the waiter was at the wrong table.

A short rounded man in suit jumped out of nowhere with two people holding cameras. The cameramen began to take pictures of us and the rounded man, pretended to know us and tried to stop the cameramen from taking our pictures.

All eyes were on us and I, at that moment, didn’t know what to do. Jordan stood up immediately and pulled me out, leading me away—out of the restaurant.

To our surprise, the short man and cameramen didn’t follow us. Instead, a huge black van was waiting for us infront.

The Producer —well that’s his name now, whether he is a producer or not— opened the door to the van from the inside, motioning us to enter.

It was then, I realized it was all a scheme. It was a scheme well played. He held the contract and apologized for his shrewdness.

I threatened to call the police but decided to listen to the shrewd man. I checked him online and found out that he was quite famous, at least in the entertainment field.

  By the time he was done talking to me, I had signed the contract. Like I said, money is the root of all evil. I even convinced Dan to sign it too. *Sigh*

It is a couple variety show where every weekend, different couples would go on a date with a particular theme.

Ofcourse, it doesn’t have to be every weekend because in reality, the shooting is done during the weekdays or Sunday and aired on Saturday.

Normally different couples sign up and twenty out of the many are picked. Each weekend, at the end of every episode, viewers would vote. The ones with the lowest votes would be eliminated.

For every one vote, a ten dollars would be paid to the couple. So even if you are eliminated, you would still be going home with some cash.

I couldn’t resist and hence signed the contract and coerced my co-actor, hehehe, to sign it too.

Are you asking why the Producer chose us instead of us auditioning? He said that the couple that was supposed to be in our shoes suddenly opted out at last minute and they needed another couple urgently.

Yesterday, when the first episode aired. We GOT A THOUSAND AND TWO VOTES🥳🥳🥳🥳, maybe they liked my screaming inside that horrific haunted house or Jordan’s gentlemanliness.

I must be on the road to stardom. Both Jordan and I shared it 40:40 with 20% going to the show.

Anyways that is still a lot of money. Oh, Jordan is saying Hi. I need to go back to the set. Byeee 👋.


Thank you for reading. Please share with your family and friends and don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe.

Have a lovely day ❤️.

Posted in Writing

Day 25

22-05-2024; 8:49pm

Gligli, honestly today was a busy day. First day of work in so long. I had to come up with an excuse for leaving work for so long.

  Apparently my boss( the person I work directly under) didn’t tell anyone that I quit.

Going to work was really stressful. I miss my baby girl lifestyle.

My day? So-so. I got to work, did work and left work.

Also, Dan texted me and sent me the time and channel to watch myself screaming. It is supposed to air this Saturday.

He also sent some of the pictures taken when we were at TJ’s haunted house. To be honest, Dan is quite handsome but don’t worry Glitters, he is not my type.

My type? I will tell you another day. Gosh, I am exhausted and I need to sleep because tomorrow is work and work is tomorrow.



Thank you so much for reading. Today was quite a busy day for me too, what about you? I would love to hear about your day in the comments section below.

  Also, please don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe. Good Night 😴 💕

Posted in Non-fiction, Writing

Day 23

20-05-2024; 9:49pm


Today. Was. Dramatic.

  I got on the train because I couldn’t afford plane tickets in such short amount of time.

  By air, it would take about two hours but by train, more than six hours. Back to the beginning. So I got to the station as early as six in the morning.

Bought my train ticket and went into the train which was to depart by seven thirty in the morning.

No one sat next to me but a young man sat opposite me —facing me. He was dressed very well and would have been attractive if I weren’t an anti-love fan.

Hmm… I mean I… Anyways, I am not an anti-love fan because of Prince… No! Absolutely No!

Coincidentally, we had the same color of luggage (actually the same brand too) and we both wore similar clothes so we exchanged some words.

  His name… Dan? Jordan? Daniel? I can’t remember, I only remember that he is called Dan.

We didn’t talk much sha. The ride was long so I took a short trip to dream world (I slept). By the time, I woke up, Dan must have gotten off his stop.

The question is what is the dramatic stuff right? THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THAT QUESTION!

Our bags got switched. I discovered that later in the day after I had arrived at Mrs. Eti’s house. Her son wasn’t home so it was just us, having a nice time.

  After lunch, I went into the guest room which is mine for now to take a shower only to open my clothing bag to see boxers… I wouldn’t go into details.

Do I have Dan’s number? Good question, no I don’t but…but in his bag, I found his ID card and called the number on it.

Who knew that Dan was just one year older than me? January 22nd 2004 while I am June 30th 2005.

  So I called the phone number on the ID card and he picked it. Figured out that he was even more worried than I was.

Unfortunately, he lived so far away that it was impossible to meet today to exchange our bags.

We agreed to meet tomorrow at a general park but for tonight, Mrs. Eti gave me one of her son’s shirt to wear to sleep tonight.

How dramatic! Like in the movies. I feel so sleepy, I need to go…. I have been drowsy this entire time, don’t mind my use of words Glitters.



Dan… He is tall and slim. Has handsome facial features and a cute smile revealing his silver braces.


But he isn’t my style so don’t worry Glitters. I am absolutely done with men!

Thank you so much for taking your time to read Angel’s Dairy. Please share, like, comment and subscribe.

Much Love 💕

Posted in Poetry, Writing

Day 16

12-05-2024; 10:30am


Dear Glitters,

Staying at home for almost more than a week doing nothing is quite boring. I want to try writing short stories for fun, hehehe.

Yes. I used to love to write when I was small. After writing that poem yesterday, it ignited a fire in me. Okayyyyyyyy, I am excited….

Once upon a time, in the ancient lands. There stood a kingdom, mighty! Second to none!…

Diary, how was that? It’s impromptu so even I don’t know how it would go but let’s try… consider that as the prologue (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Chapter 1

Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.

A young maiden sat under a dilapidated hut, waiting for the rain to stop. Her beauty shone brighter than the moonlight and she excluded a sense of nobility.

It was deep in the night, a time for crickets to sing of their love untold. A lovely time for lovers to meet.

The young princess wrapped a cloth around her bare arms waiting for her beloved. She had run away from home to marry her beloved who was a hunter.

But that same night, her beloved went to get water for her to drink but had not returned for hours.

Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. The rain hit the roof of the hut. The princess looked around, afraid of the dark unknown when she spotted a pair of cruel eyes staring at her ferociously from far.

Suddenly, a low growl was heard and the eyes began to move closer. The young princess shook with fear, frozen to that spot when…

Nope. Diary, is it only me? I am not feeling this at all. I feel so tired already, hmmm… I guess I am made for the baby girl lifestyle *sighs*

I will try another story, another day. Anyways that is it for today, it’s time for my nap 😴


Hellloooo! Thank for reading. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe (no pressure *wink*)

Till tomorrow by his Grace. Byeee 🤗

Posted in Poetry

Day 15

11-05-2024; 5:47pm

Hi Glitters. Today, I have nothing to write but I would love to express my emotions with this imperfect poem.


Little drops of tears.

Filtered through the leaves.

It’s aroma fills the room.

My heart is squeezed,

Into tiny little pieces.

The kettle churns then tilts,

My cup is filled up.

What is pain?

What is love?

My feelings are soaked,

In a hot tea pot.

And my heart is a tea bag,

Which becomes tea.


Poem by Fola Oremodu.

Posted in Writing

Day 14

10-05-2024: 10:04am

Good Morning Diary. It’s been so long since I spoke to you. I am still recovering step by step. I think I am fine physically but emotionally, I have a long way to go.

Today, I received a call. It was an old friend of mine. We used to be best of friends back in secondary school, her name is Dasah.

We spoke for a long time. It felt so good speaking to her. Apart from my sisters, I don’t remember having a person as close as she was to me.

But she left in our final year and I didn’t have a phone then so we lost contact. Apparently, she stays in the city I ran away from.

It’s a pity because I stayed there for about three months or even more.

This days, what have I been doing?

Well, I have been watching dramas—to be sincere, I am a fan of Chinese dramas but I decided to try a Turkish drama this time— Sol Yanim, My Left Side.

It’s nice to get drawn into another world and forget about all I have been through.

I like reading too. I bought some books about last month and I can read them now. I also like watching make-up videos because I want to learn it.

  Dasah also told me that she started out a make-up channel on YouTube and sent me the link. I will pin it here so that I won’t forget.

Angel, pleassssseeee 🥺 like and subscribe your gurlssss channel.*

I will support my girl like how she did for me back in secondary school. I really miss her.


Me learning make-up from Dasah

Howdy! Thank you so much for taking your time to check out my blog.

  Please don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe. Have a wonderful day ❤️.

Much Love 💕 Muahhh

Posted in Writing

Day 9

28-04-2024; 8:57pm

Good Evening, Diary. I was about to sleep when I recalled that I haven’t put down today’s entry.

Today was quite busy. After church, I came back home and began packing. I also spoke to my landlord about depositing the remaining of my rent back into my account.

Also, I booked my flight for this Wednesday. Finally I will be going back home!!! Yayyyy!!!

I will go to work tomorrow to submit my resignation letter —although it’s short notice — that I won’t be working at their place ever again.

A new life. A fresh start. *Yawns* Okay, I think I have to go to sleep.

Goodnight, Diary. Love you 💕


I don’t know why, but I am so excited. Tomorrow, I will call my mom and tell her that I will be coming home on Wednesday.

Losing my child still hurts but I will heal slowly…

Hiiii! Very soon, Angel would begin a new chapter. I am excited, what about you?

Please feel free to share my posts with your friends and family. Thank you for reading, liking and subscribing!

Much Love 💕