Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 27

26-05-2024; 3:01pm

Glitters, you wouldn’t guess where I am right now? That is right, at a food festival shooting a date with Jordan. We are on a break.

  Your question is, how I happened to agree… Well, you can say that money is the root of all evil.

On Friday, after work, I met with Jordan. It was Friday, right? Yes, it was Friday.

So I got to the fast food restaurant and found Jordan waiting for me, such an handsome gentleman… I mean, polite gentleman.

He opens the door for me always, carries things for me…. Unlike someone who turned me into his slave…

So we began talking and Jordan asked me why I agreed and signed the contract on our behalf. I was taken aback and ta-da!! discovered it was nothing but a scheme.

Jordan told me that he informed the producer to come to the restaurant with the contract that I apparently signed.

The next thing we knew was a waiter wheeling nine hundred ninety-nine roses (they were so much—the Producer later told me that they were fake) to our table.

The waiter said and I quote, “Madam, congratulations on your fifth year anniversary.”

I looked at Jordan, who looked at me. As Jordan was probably about to speak up that the waiter was at the wrong table.

A short rounded man in suit jumped out of nowhere with two people holding cameras. The cameramen began to take pictures of us and the rounded man, pretended to know us and tried to stop the cameramen from taking our pictures.

All eyes were on us and I, at that moment, didn’t know what to do. Jordan stood up immediately and pulled me out, leading me away—out of the restaurant.

To our surprise, the short man and cameramen didn’t follow us. Instead, a huge black van was waiting for us infront.

The Producer —well that’s his name now, whether he is a producer or not— opened the door to the van from the inside, motioning us to enter.

It was then, I realized it was all a scheme. It was a scheme well played. He held the contract and apologized for his shrewdness.

I threatened to call the police but decided to listen to the shrewd man. I checked him online and found out that he was quite famous, at least in the entertainment field.

  By the time he was done talking to me, I had signed the contract. Like I said, money is the root of all evil. I even convinced Dan to sign it too. *Sigh*

It is a couple variety show where every weekend, different couples would go on a date with a particular theme.

Ofcourse, it doesn’t have to be every weekend because in reality, the shooting is done during the weekdays or Sunday and aired on Saturday.

Normally different couples sign up and twenty out of the many are picked. Each weekend, at the end of every episode, viewers would vote. The ones with the lowest votes would be eliminated.

For every one vote, a ten dollars would be paid to the couple. So even if you are eliminated, you would still be going home with some cash.

I couldn’t resist and hence signed the contract and coerced my co-actor, hehehe, to sign it too.

Are you asking why the Producer chose us instead of us auditioning? He said that the couple that was supposed to be in our shoes suddenly opted out at last minute and they needed another couple urgently.

Yesterday, when the first episode aired. We GOT A THOUSAND AND TWO VOTES🥳🥳🥳🥳, maybe they liked my screaming inside that horrific haunted house or Jordan’s gentlemanliness.

I must be on the road to stardom. Both Jordan and I shared it 40:40 with 20% going to the show.

Anyways that is still a lot of money. Oh, Jordan is saying Hi. I need to go back to the set. Byeee 👋.


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Have a lovely day ❤️.



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