Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 39

25-06-2024; 1:30pm

Hi Diary.

Yo! Glitters… So I dedicate this entry to talk about my audition last week Friday.

James signed me up for the supporting role in an upcoming movie. The name of the movie is, ‘The Next New.’

The role I am supposed to act is the crazy director of the main lead whom is an actress.

Well, after reading the script, I just had to pretend like I was Pinky. Anyways, how was the audition?… Well… You can guess…

A big celeb auditioned too so they picked the more famous one over the newbie which is me.

But the director seemed impressed with my acting skills and offered me another role which is the… The Opposing Actress of the female lead.

So guess who is the antagonist… ME!!! Muahahahaha!!!! Yes, I ended up as the sub antagonist (which means that I am not the main villain).

My script ended up bulky for no reason and now that I am done with my IT, I might as well start learning my lines well.

Also, I am kind of excited because I get to work with famous actors and actresses in the entertainment industry.

Shooting would begin next week so I will be quite busy. Jordan? I haven’t heard of him in days, I wonder how far James has exploited Jordan in the modelling industry.

Why was Jordan chosen as the model and not me? Well, Jordan is very slim and tall but well built. He also stands in natural poses, like you can take a picture of him unawares and it would come out well.

Unlike me who is a bit robust with curves and body so I am not the runaway model type.

James said that I would be good at acting and I used to be in the drama club in school so I didn’t refuse it.

That’s all for today’s entry. Thank you Glitters for always taking time to listen to my narratives.

Byeeee and have a lovely afternoon.


Thank you so much for reading. Please don’t forget to check out my book on webnovel.’s-stories_29712159508475005

Posted in Fiction, Non-fiction, Uncategorized, Writing

Day 38

24-06-2024; 6:00pm

  It’s beginning to rain…song by Jimmy Swaggart, is on right now while I stare out of the window thinking to where to start from.

It’s rainy season here in Nigeria but it doesn’t rain as much over here. Back at home and in school, it rains every day.

I am staying at Abuja with my friend, Dasah— short for Hadassah. Life has been so stressful but I can say proudly that my internship has come to an end.

I remember when I just started. I went wild, met bad friends and ended up being a victim of a toxic relationship.

Time flies and my six months is over. I spent an extra week to make up for the time lost when I returned home. My abusive boss seemed fed up with me so he let me go.

For now, I will not come home because of the contract binding me and James, the goat producer (interpret anyway you like Glitters).

I will also address how my audition went on another day…so…

So YES!!!!! I AM DONE!!!! It is still taking time to process. My problematic boss said that since I started on Monday then I must end on Monday.

Infact, I am in the bus now and my pen is shaking with the bus and my writing is crooked but who CARES???

Hahahaha!!! I am so happy… I am just too happy…



Have a wonderful day ahead, my dear readers.

Posted in Non-fiction, Writing, Fiction

Day 37


Heyy Glitters.

I am really guilty of charge for not writing anything to you in so long. I cannot keep on blaming it on stress, can I?

So many things to do that my own Glitters is almost covered with dust. I remember when I saw you on the shelf, like no other dairy I have ever seen.

You just caught my attention and I couldn’t rest till I bought you. Like we were fated to be.

How is Jordan? Oh he is fine. We don’t talk much, only when we see each other.

I don’t know why, he seems to be distancing himself away from me. Did I tell you? Last we were evicted from the show as we had the least votes.

I guess you can’t fake what you don’t have. James was not too enthusiastic but signed me up for some more acting classes and Jordan to modelling.

Apparently, we are still under his agency till the show comes to an end. Taking different night classes, we barely see each other much.

Erm, also… Dasah has been doing a lot of things for me. The first week I moved in was a bit awkward because you know, we haven’t met for so long so it took us a while to get used to each other again.

I don’t worry about food because Dasah loves to cook. She also picks me up from the night classes. Besides that, we go out and spend her Dad’s money sometimes.

The only place we don’t go are clubs because we both decided not to. I told her all about Prince, she was infuriated.

Apparently she knows him, they are…drum rolls…wait for it… Family friends. Yup, I was beyond shocked gurlll….

Thinking about it even shocks me up till now…

Another plot twist in the melodrama life. Anyways, that aside, Dasah did something really big to avenge me. When I told Jordan, he didn’t sound too happy.

Enough about boys, back to me. Soon, I will be casted in an upcoming movie. James helped me secure an important supporting role. I will attend the audition this Friday.

God’s Grace would be with me. Bye Glitters. Muah.


  Thank you for reading 😊. Please don’t forget to check out my new book on webnovel.’s-stories_29712159508475005

Have a wonderful day ❤️

Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 35

12-06-2024; 1:30pm

Glitters, if exhaustion was a person, it would be obsessed with me. This week and last week has been nothing but stress.

I shouldn’t have signed with that Producer. Who knew he owned his own agency? Last week Saturday, Jordan and I were almost evicted and so the Producer brought it upon himself to make us attend acting classes.

Why us? Why not other couples? Apparently, we didn’t just sign the contact for the show but also to work in that goat-ish Producer’s agency as an actor till the show ended.

He apologized for his shrewdness and offered an higher income ratio for both Dan and I. Anyways, I agreed… Not because of the money ofcourse.

No, I don’t like money…who does??

Can you believe that he hid it somewhere in the contract? So now, after work by 5pm, both Dan and I and some other couple on the show have to take night acting classes.

We have a national holiday today so the shooting on Sunday was rescheduled today.

Pinky gave us a script to follow on Sunday. Our date today is at a park and with the remaining couples, we would be playing games.

Hide and seek, treasure hunt and the likes. Me and Jordan? We are fine. Everything is fine between us, not awkward at all.

It’s like we are back to being friends as if he didn’t tell me about his feelings. Actually, I feel bad for shunning his feelings and I want to give him a chance but I am scared.

My previous relationship taught me a lot and I don’t want to risk getting into so much pain again.

Glitters, I have really missed you. I am sorry for keeping you on hold.


Hellloooo 👋👋

Hi, my fellow readers. It has been a while right? I apologize for not updating so recently.

I started writing a book on webnovel and it has taken a lot of my time with Glitters.

If you are interested, please check this link.’s-stories_29712159508475005

Posted in Non-fiction, Writing

Day 34

05-06-2024; 1:18pm


Good afternoon Glitters. How is your day going? My day? My day is going just fine. I didn’t go to work yesterday and today.

That is because I moved from Mrs. Eti to Hadassah’s apartment—which belongs to both of us now.

To my surprise, it wasn’t just an apartment but an hotel apartment. It made me wonder how expensive the rent was per month but Dasah told me that the rent wasn’t high.

It was something I could afford surprisingly (mind you, I can only afford cheap things hehe). It was a three bedroom flat ensuite with a huge living room, large kitchen space and laundry room.

Dasah said it was basic but to me, it was beyond sophistication. Anyways, my boss at work wasn’t too happy with my leave.

Truly, it’s very hard to have a terrible and mean boss for your first working experience. Fortunately, you are a diary and know nothing of that experience.

I can’t wait to be done with this internship and return back to school. After school, I would love to pursue my writing career more. Maybe abandon architecture partially or better still to the fullest.

Ofcourse, my dad might not be too happy. Truthfully, I wasn’t forced to choose architecture because I have been claiming architecture as my career since I was young.

But I met writing first before architecture so maybe my first love before all.

Also, I didn’t tell you about the episode that aired last week Saturday. Last week Saturday, me and Dan were not the leading couple.

Infact, the audience or maybe critics complained that our movements were too stiff and our love seemed distant.

I guess we can’t pretend what we are not. The Producer released some pictures of the photoshoot we took but to our surprise, it didn’t cause much of a stir.

When I discussed it to my sisters, they encouraged me. I was never a model or an actress so it is normal to have setbacks when you begin something for the first time.

But I still got my profit which is the main goal.



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Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 32

02-06-2024; 9:05pm

Happy New Month, Glitters!! May has been a month full of ups and downs.🤧🤧

… but I met someone very good and special to me —Jordan. Yesterday, Jordan and I had a couple photoshoot sponsored by the Producer.

He said that we were the hottest sauce on the internet and we needed to make use of the fame by releasing romantic photos of both of us.

Infact, a fan club was created secretly by the Producer who hired some online fans. Hashtag Dangel, hashtag Joran, blablabla.

I must compliment the Producer’s skills (scheming). Today, we had some shooting at the cinema…yup, movie date.

  The director insisted we watch an horror movie, probably to relive the haunted house date but nope! Not me!

Anyways, both me and the director seem to always have some kind of friction. Remember the short man that entered the restaurant that day of nine hundred and ninety-nine roses, pretending that he knew us —yup! That is the director.

Director Pinky… strange name for a short burly bald looking man. I also didn’t know he was bald. Discovered he was wearing wig when the wind blew it off last week at the food festival.

After that, I couldn’t see Pinky the same anymore. Hehehe, Pinky. Anyways… I think I have said that before… Anyways, I had a good time with Jordan.

Screaming and hugging him tightly from fear of the horror movie—Yes, Pinky had his way. I thought about Jordan’s confession and worried that things would be awkward when we meet today but…

But Glitters, he is just so cool and funny. Making me laugh and comfortable within few minutes of meeting. I think I felt butterflies… Anti-love butterflies, ofcourse.

Hmm… Today was so beautiful, spending time with him that I didn’t want it to end. Shows how professional I am, right?

It’s late, Gligli. I should go to sleep and dream… Goodnight Glitter Sparkles.


Hmmm… I smell something sweet brewing… #dangel #joran

Thank you so much for reading.

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Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 31

31-05-2024; 10:24pm

Heyyy Glitters! How is my favorite Sparkles doing? You want to hear about my day and date with Jordan? Come on, it wasn’t a date.

  When I got to work today, I received an earful of scolding and insults from my boss for missing work yesterday.

  Truthfully, working with my boss, I think I would because brass, a sculpture made of brass to steel myself from his words.

After work, I met Jordan at where we agreed to meet which was at a restaurant, it wasn’t fancy like the last one but their customer care was really good.

  Actually, it was difficult to speak at first but Jordan didn’t force me to explain what happened that day, instead he kept making funny jokes and I was on a laughing spree.

We spent two hours together and it was getting late. Jordan had once told me that the car he drove around wasn’t his but his brother. He was saving money to buy a car and a good house to live in with his future family.

But the car he brought today was different. I noticed when we got out of the restaurant and he insisted to take me home because of the time —7:01pm— and how dark everywhere was.

When we got into the car, I mentioned about our video going viral. He was surprised and made jokes about it before we started discussing some things.

Out of those things, we discussed the variety show and I stated how although we were just acting, viewers would think that we were really couples.

It was then, Jordan requested in a very confident but polite tone if we could make it real. I was silent because I didn’t know what to say in response.

It went like this;

Little droplets of rain hit the ground with the speed of light. The tad road accommodated all sorts of cars including a blue Lexus car on the left side of the road.

  Inside the blue car, a young lady and lad sat in absolute silence for a while before the man began to speak.

“Angel, I wish to make everything on WLV show true. I was never acting because I truly have feelings for you,” the young man said.

The young lady (ME) addressed as Angel was tongue-tied and had no idea on what to say. She held her hands together and looked out of the window in silence.

After about 10 minutes, she finally spoke out. “Dan, you are a good person but I am not in for any relationship now,” Angel replied in the most polite tone ever, her heart feeling slightly heavy.

He was truly a nice person and Angel loved to spend time with him but she didn’t know if she was ready for love or relationship.

Dan nodded with a smile, “Fortunately, I don’t mind being your friend now and your man later. I could wait for you for as long.”

Angel was taken aback with his words and turned to look at him. “I just wanted you to know that no matter who that trash bag said of you, I still have feelings for you,” Jordan glanced at her.

At that moment, Angel… I thought that Jordan was very attractive and charming. He said he likes me and would wait till I am ready.

I have met other men or boys from young but Jordan seems very different from them all.


Dan finally let the cat out of the bag. I hope it lasts.

Thank you so much for reading 😊. Please help me share this blog and also most importantly, please like, comment and subscribe.

Much Love ❤️. Goodnight.

Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 29

29-05-2024; 10:42pm

Glitters, notice that I am writing Day 29 entry on the 29th of May…

Am I still heartbroken? Yes, but it is much better than yesterday. Jordan called me a free times this morning but I didn’t pick, I just couldn’t see myself facing him again.

Honestly, I want to run away again but how long can I run away from my troubles or a difficult situation? So I just decided to take a day at a time.

That is what I dedicate this poem to…stop!

Glitters, if I compose a poem right now, my head would open up and my brain would be on its flight, after all I have done today.

I remember when Jordan and I having our shoot on Sunday after my church service. We went to a food festival and had so much fun.

We joined so many activities and anytime I got tired, Jordan would always request for a break. Also, I was so nervous infront of the camera.

Jordan said that he was too but still held my hand confidently and took us from stall to stall. I don’t know if it was the camera or it was real but Jordan said that with me by his side, he can face the whole world.

We met two couples from the show. One was a newly wedded couple while the other had been dating for almost ten years.

Jordan is so lovely but now that he knows my past, I don’t have to courage to face him. If I also heard something like that as a man, I would never think good about the woman.

I only hope that if there is truly a God, he should resolve the issue or the way Jordan sees me. Lord please help me!!

Lord! Please! Help! Me!

Also, I would be moving to Hadassah apartment this weekend. I informed Mrs. Eti, she agreed and even insinuated that I could come visit.

Anyways, I want to go to sleep. Goodnight.


Thank you so much for reading and please pardon me for grammatical errors. I feel so sleepy that I might begin to write nonsense.

Good night my love❤️

Also… before I embark to dream world, please share, re-blog, re-post, like, comment and most importantly, subscribe.

Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 28

28-05-2024; 9:10pm

Oof… Diary 😓😓😓

Today, I met the one I have been running away from. I should never have agreed to do the show. How could I forget my awful past?

Yes. Him. Prince.

Yesterday, after work I met Jordan to discuss what time we would be free to study the script given to us by the director. The Producer, Mr. James, also suggested we go on dates prior to the shooting so that we can get to know each other.

Jordan is so sweet and kind to me. If only I met him before I met Prince, all would have been well.

We couldn’t finish what we were supposed to do so Jordan proposed meeting today, after work. I agreed and left work very early to have enough time to spend with Jordan.

To my pleasant surprise, Jordan came to pick me at work with flowers, fresh flowers and took me to a fancy and sophisticated restaurant.

I was so touched because of how sweet he was. We had a lovely dinner and began talking for so long that time passed away so quickly (2 hours).

  Honestly, when I saw the bills I shuddered and opted to split the bills but Jordan refused so strongly and went off to pay the bills.

It was then, Prince made his entry into the restaurant, with a foreign chic babe by his side. I hoped to not have made eye contact but immediately I saw him, he saw me.

  In fright, I rose to my feet to pack my things but Prince and his chic made their way to the table. Okay Glitters, I have to narrate this as it happened.

As Jordan arrived back at the table, he smiled warmly at me while I packed my purse into my bag. Jordan offered to carry my hand bag for me when I heard a mocking sarcastic laugh.

Both Jordan and I turned, only to find Prince with his babe wrapped all over him. He pulled away from her and took a step forward towards me.

Jordan stepped in-between, staring at Prince in confusion. “What’s wrong, man? Lost your way?” Jordan asked with a slight edge in his tone.

Prince moved his attention from me to Jordan and sized him up from head to toe in a curt manner. “This is the new man you are seeing?” Prince asked.

My tongue was tied. I didn’t know what to say and Jordan seemed to notice my fear. He turned to Prince, “Oh you, Angel told me about you, about how she is glad that you are nothing but a past to her.”

Jordan’s reply took me by surprise. I always thought he was soft and docile and never seen this sharp-tongued side of him.

Prince seemed infuriated (annoyed + angry) and clenched his fist. “Oh, is that so?” He released a mocking smile.

“Did she also tell you that she is used goods? That she had a child for me and killed it?”

“Prince!” I screamed at him in anger the moment his words got to my ears. How could he do such to me?

The foreign babe beside him looked at me in sheer disgust and opened her mouth to say something but Jordan cut through.

“The only waste here is you, Mister,” Jordan replied in a demeaning tone, turned to me, took my bag and flowers, held my hand and pulled me away.

Suddenly he stopped and turned to Prince. “Mr. Trash, the next we meet, you wouldn’t leave whole,” Jordan threatened with a deep voice I didn’t know he had.

Once we got outside, I quickly pulled my hand away from his. I wanted the whole world to swallow me up. I wanted to end my life there and then, jump into an incoming car.

  Diary, I needed to hold back my tears and get away from Jordan. What we had ended before we even started. Prince spoilt it all.

How could Jordan ever see me as a good woman after the lies Prince spurted.

Jordan followed after me and held my arm. “Angel, let me take you home.”

I shook his soft grip off, backing him, “Don’t bother, let’s not see again.”

 “Angel…” He reached out but I avoided him. I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore and said to him in a broken voice that he should leave me alone.

After that, I left and took a taxi home. After crying so much, I decided to let you know. I really wish I never met Prince.


Thank you for reading, I really appreciate your time and effort to read, like and comment to my post.

Please share or repost my blog to get a wider audience to experience Angel’s Story. God bless you 💖

Posted in Fiction, Writing

Day 27

26-05-2024; 3:01pm

Glitters, you wouldn’t guess where I am right now? That is right, at a food festival shooting a date with Jordan. We are on a break.

  Your question is, how I happened to agree… Well, you can say that money is the root of all evil.

On Friday, after work, I met with Jordan. It was Friday, right? Yes, it was Friday.

So I got to the fast food restaurant and found Jordan waiting for me, such an handsome gentleman… I mean, polite gentleman.

He opens the door for me always, carries things for me…. Unlike someone who turned me into his slave…

So we began talking and Jordan asked me why I agreed and signed the contract on our behalf. I was taken aback and ta-da!! discovered it was nothing but a scheme.

Jordan told me that he informed the producer to come to the restaurant with the contract that I apparently signed.

The next thing we knew was a waiter wheeling nine hundred ninety-nine roses (they were so much—the Producer later told me that they were fake) to our table.

The waiter said and I quote, “Madam, congratulations on your fifth year anniversary.”

I looked at Jordan, who looked at me. As Jordan was probably about to speak up that the waiter was at the wrong table.

A short rounded man in suit jumped out of nowhere with two people holding cameras. The cameramen began to take pictures of us and the rounded man, pretended to know us and tried to stop the cameramen from taking our pictures.

All eyes were on us and I, at that moment, didn’t know what to do. Jordan stood up immediately and pulled me out, leading me away—out of the restaurant.

To our surprise, the short man and cameramen didn’t follow us. Instead, a huge black van was waiting for us infront.

The Producer —well that’s his name now, whether he is a producer or not— opened the door to the van from the inside, motioning us to enter.

It was then, I realized it was all a scheme. It was a scheme well played. He held the contract and apologized for his shrewdness.

I threatened to call the police but decided to listen to the shrewd man. I checked him online and found out that he was quite famous, at least in the entertainment field.

  By the time he was done talking to me, I had signed the contract. Like I said, money is the root of all evil. I even convinced Dan to sign it too. *Sigh*

It is a couple variety show where every weekend, different couples would go on a date with a particular theme.

Ofcourse, it doesn’t have to be every weekend because in reality, the shooting is done during the weekdays or Sunday and aired on Saturday.

Normally different couples sign up and twenty out of the many are picked. Each weekend, at the end of every episode, viewers would vote. The ones with the lowest votes would be eliminated.

For every one vote, a ten dollars would be paid to the couple. So even if you are eliminated, you would still be going home with some cash.

I couldn’t resist and hence signed the contract and coerced my co-actor, hehehe, to sign it too.

Are you asking why the Producer chose us instead of us auditioning? He said that the couple that was supposed to be in our shoes suddenly opted out at last minute and they needed another couple urgently.

Yesterday, when the first episode aired. We GOT A THOUSAND AND TWO VOTES🥳🥳🥳🥳, maybe they liked my screaming inside that horrific haunted house or Jordan’s gentlemanliness.

I must be on the road to stardom. Both Jordan and I shared it 40:40 with 20% going to the show.

Anyways that is still a lot of money. Oh, Jordan is saying Hi. I need to go back to the set. Byeee 👋.


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Have a lovely day ❤️.