Posted in Non-fiction, Writing

Bonus Post

Chapter 1

It all began when I she sat opposite me on the train. At that moment, I don’t know what happened to me but… Forget it.

I thought of every conversation to spark up with her but ended up mentioning the tackiest reason —wearing the same type of shirt and having the same color of luggage bag.

Soon, she fell asleep and I couldn’t talk to her anymore. My stop was nearing and I kept thinking of one thousand ways to keep in touch with her.

I didn’t want to wake her up and I couldn’t leave a note that she should call me. Not only was she beautiful and smart but she seemed to be a cautious person.

And so I did something I never thought I would stoop so low to do. I took her luggage and placed my ID card on top of my clothes in my bag so that she could contact me.

  I was coming from my old apartment —took some old clothes to deposit at my brother’s place— to my brother’s place.

  My actions were very selfish and after I got down the train, I reflected on my actions.

I waited the entire day for her call, glued to my phone. Finally, she called in the evening and we planned to meet the following day.

The park wasn’t far from my new apartment so I woke up really early, took some things and drove in my brother’s car to my new apartment.

After changing to my newest clothes, I destroyed my bedroom with my body mist and perfume before setting out to meet an angel in human form.

I waited happily for three hours before she arrived. She looked more beautiful than the last time I saw her and I couldn’t help but fawn over her.

Quickly, I went to get cold drinks for her but also bought one for myself to avoid suspicions. We spoke for a while and exchanged the bags.

I apologized severely for exchanging the bags but she kept rolling her eyes, telling me that it was in the past—it seemed like she didn’t notice my schemes. After a while, I noticed that she seemed a bit exhausted so I proposed that we leave.

She agreed and the next thing I knew, I helped her up, carried her bags and opened the door for her. My legs and arms seemed to have a mind of their own.

My heart, my mind, my body, all seemed to be deeply in love with her, with Angel.




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